Government Street: (225) 383-7815 • Perkins Road: (225) 767-6659

Gettin’ ready for the #rarewhiskeyraffle and wanted to remind everybody – raffle ticket sales for…

Gettin’ ready for the #rarewhiskeyraffle and wanted to remind everybody – raffle ticket sales for tonight are $10 per ticket, with a limit of 5 tickets per person – and ticket sales / donations can be paid for with **cash only**. So stop by the ATM on the way over and grab some ???????????????? before you get here! (BTW – this has no impact on normal register sales – only donations for raffle tickets. Regular whiskey & other product purchases will be at the register, so you’re fine with credit, debit, checks or cash there.) Otherwise see everybody at 5pm! ????????????

Photo taken at: Calandro’s Supermarket – Perkins

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