Government Street: (225) 383-7815 • Perkins Road: (225) 767-6659

Entertaining this weekend ?! Calandro’s handmade in-store dips and cheese balls are always a hit…

Entertaining this weekend ?! Calandro’s handmade in-store dips and cheese balls are always a hit !! Perfect for tailgates & foot ball parties; charcuterie boards or even just the best ever #afterschoolsnack !! Great with your favorite chips & crackers and even better when served with wine !! 🍷🧀
#calandros #calandrosmkt #cheeseboard #cheeseislife #cheeseball #localgrocer #grocerystore #wearebr #gobr #thatlacommunity #winelover #shoplocal #eatlocal #wine #dairy

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